What Should I Expect When Visiting?
At New Hope Church you will only find sinners saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Our mission is to glorify God through the work of making disciples. This is done by sharing the Good News of Jesus to a world that does not know Him and by teaching those who come to know Him all that He has commanded us.
What Is Worship Like?
At New Hope Church we gather with one goal, and that is to glorify God. We want to lift up the name of Jesus through singing, prayer, and the preached Word of God. We begin our service with music lead by our praise team intermixed with prayer in order to focus our hearts on God. That is then followed by the reading of God's Word and an expository (verse-by-verse) message.
What About My Kids?
At New Hope Church we want your kids to learn about Jesus and grow in their faith. During our 10:00 am Bible Study Hour we have New Hope Kids. There they will engage in an age appropriate Bible lesson. During our 11:00 am Worship Service children remain in the service during our worship music and then there is the option for kids to join another age appropriate Bible lesson.
What About My Teenagers?
At New Hope Church we believe that at a certain age children need to begin learning how to become adults. For this reason we encourage teens to join us during our 10:00 am Bible Study Hour as well remain with us throughout the 11:00 am Worship Service. That being said, we also realize that they are not yet adults and desire to have their own time to together. This is why every Sunday night at 7:00 pm we have New Hope Teens. There they will have the chance to engage in God's Word, eat some snacks, and have fun playing games together.